Specific Training for the Throwing Arm Needs a Face Lift A few weeks ago, Kyle Matsel, a physical therapist and leading researcher into arm care training trends, came on our podcast to discuss his research and what is wrong with the current training approaches. He mentioned that currently, training without assessment may be causing further injury, as the biggest culprit mentioned in his research is the lack of individualization. In his nationwide study, over 600 coaches felt that their process would be improved by providing customized programs, but they were limited in their ability to offer them. But if you see the limiters, the Arm Care App provides a way to solve these problems. Arm Care Hang-Ups Most coaches stated one of their biggest concerns with individualized arm care training was the inability to measure or assess their athletes, so they didn't know what imbalances and strength deficits to address (ref). But even the higher levels of baseball that do have resources to assess and individualize arm care training, problems exist that prevent individualized training. The professional and collegiate level of baseball is unique in that arm care programs are generally constructed by the medical staff. At the same time, strength coaches train areas around the throwing arm with compound lifting techniques, plyometrics, and core stabilization. Then the pitching coaches oversee on-field activation of the throwing arm. This system means that three separate entities are programming the throwing athlete for improved health, velocity, and command, but programs still may lack specification because of this complexity or a communication disconnect may be present across multiple stakeholders in conditioning the throwing arm. For example, it's not uncommon for a large group to all perform the same lifts, same arm care, and same preparation routine because it's easier to implement a one size fits all training approach—but in reality, one size fits none. The Outcome To be clear, we're not blaming anyone! A massive challenge existed to improve training and preparation designs before the design of the Arm Care App. And in the amateur world, the pitching coach, who designed the entire arm care program, had zero access to data-led monitoring to help guide the training approach. All this said, it's believed that overly generalized training programs contribute to the Tommy John epidemic. Generalized programs may promote rotator cuff imbalances by furthering the strength differences between the front and back of the shoulder, a common imbalance that occurs between the muscles that manage the acceleration and deceleration of the throwing arm. |