• A Global Economic Collapse By 2025?

    From: GoldSilver.com Sep-15-2024 11:16:am
    And Prepare To "Cash Out Before The Collapse" | Simon Hunt
    A Global Economic Collapse By 2025?

    In this Wealthion interview we hear from Simon Hunt, one of the world's foremost experts on the copper industry. 

    Why talk to a copper analyst?

    Because copper is often referred to as "Dr Copper" given its ability to predict turning points in the global economy.

    Due to its widespread use across nearly every commercial sector, demand for copper is akin to the economy's heartbeat, which is why it's viewed as such a dependable leading indicator of economic health.

    So what is Dr Copper telling us now?

    It's telling Simon that extremely volatile times are ahead that will be punctuated by fierce rallies & sharp declines -- with the overall trend moving from stagflation to deflation.

    By 2025, Simon sees a good chance the massive pile of $trillions in global unserviceable debt will go into default, resulting in an immensely painful economic crisis.

    It's not all doom, though. Simon sees reason for optimism and a return to prosperity once the malinvestment is cleared from the system.

    To learn why, watch this interview with Simon Hunt:

    Watch Now
    And don't miss Part 2 of our interview with Simon Hunt:
    Prepare To "Cash Out Before The Collapse" | Simon Hunt

    In Part 1, Simon Hunt warned of an economic crash he sees arriving by 2025.

    How should investors position for that?

    Simon answers this here in Part 2 of our interview with him, laying out his projected timeline & highlighting what he projects will be the best moment to "cash out before the bust".

    And in addition to that valuable forecast, this video also focuses on the likely implications of the recent inversion of the yield curve -- one of the most reliable precursors we have of coming recession.

    Be sure to watch this important interview with Simon Hunt. The road ahead is now looking quite rocky.

    Watch Now

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