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    From: JoJo Maman Bebe Sep-15-2024 11:19:am

     Join the JoJo Clubhouse | Can't read this email? Click here

    JoJo Maman Bébé

    Earn stripes to unlock rewards & discounts

    We’d love to welcome you to the

    JoJo Clubhouse, our new loyalty programme!

    As a member you will receive exclusive offers, special discounts and perks. With every qualifying spend, you’ll earn your stripes and sail on to more rewards.

    We’d love to welcome you to the JoJo Clubhouse, our new loyalty programme!

    As a member you will receive exclusive offers, special discounts and perks. With every qualifying spend, you’ll earn your stripes and sail on to more rewards.

    Join the Clubhouse

    How do you earn your stripes?

    With every qualifying purchase you make - both online and in store - 

    you will earn JoJo stripes. The more stripes you earn, the more 

    opportunities you’ll have to unlock exciting rewards.

    How do you earn your stripes?

    With every qualifying purchase you make - both online and in store - you will earn JoJo stripes. The more stripes you earn, the more opportunities you’ll have to unlock exciting rewards.

    Say 'Ahoy' to rewards like these:

    Say 'Ahoy' to rewards like these:

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