• Exclusive Savings! Get 3 months for under $50

    From: KiwiCo Sep-15-2024 11:15:am
    Hands-on Science, Engineering, and fun delivered


    Flash Sale
    Tinker Crate - Doodle Crate - Atlas Crate - Kiwi Crate - Koala Crate
    3 months: $49.95 - 6 months: $94.95 - 12 months: $179.95
    New! Eureka Crate - 3 months: $74.95 - 6 months: $139.95 - 12 months: $269.95
    Offer applies to Tinker Crate, Doodle Crate, Atlas Crate, Kiwi Crate, and Koala Crate. Additional cost for Eureka Crate. Does not apply to Panda Crate, Store purchases or International shipping charges. 3, 6 and 12 month savings are based on $19.95 monthly price. You will be billed up front in order to lock in the savings. Offer valid through February 17, 2021 11:59PM PST or while supplies last. Discount excludes Deluxe add-on, shipping and is not valid in our Store.
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