Simple Kit, Part 2
In the last letter, I talked about a simple kit that minimized the number of items I might take on an overnighter in the mountains during the summer. Many of you responded with a request for specific brands and models I'm currently using in my "simple" kit in 2023 as of today. Here's a link to that kit if you'd like to take a peek:
Sans food and camera, that's everything in my backpack - a so-called "base weight" of about 5.1 pounds (2.31 kg).
There's nothing particularly unique about the weight, of course (we spend too much time talking about base weight, anyways).
But what makes this kit quite special is the reliability, durability, and high performance achieved at this weight, and the simplicity of only having to keep track of about a dozen items.
Reply and share with me your philosophy about going as simple as possible in the backcountry.