• What's your Favorite Engagement Diamond Shape !

    From: Fascinating Diamonds Sep-15-2024 11:21:am
    Shop Early. Avoid Holiday Rush.
    Style your Engagement Ring with Fancy Shaped Diamonds
    Apart from the round shape
    there are 9 shapes to choose from to make
    your perfect engagement ring

    When you don’t want to experiment and like the conventional, Round is your baby. Also the most expensive shape 

    Shop Round Engagement Rings

    2nd best Selling Shape in the diamond guide.
    Square cut or princess cut 

    Shop Princess Cut Diamond Rings

    It’s the current choice of celebrities . The elongated round like the name suggest, it shines bright.

    Shop Oval Diamond Rings

    Ever since the Royals use it, it’s become a trend. Roundish square shape. Halo Styles suit the shapes

    Shop Cushion Diamond Rings

    It’s an Elongated Square shape, while buying an emerald cut make sure you pick up a good clarity stone. 

    Shop Emerald Cut Rings

    Like the name suggests, it’s definitely trending, modern and affordable

    Shop Pear Diamond Rings

    It’s called the Royal Asscher cut, beautiful looking stone, square shape with emerald cut facets.

    Shop Asscher Cut Rings

    Radiants have the geometric outline of the emerald cut but are faceted like the round cuts. Overall a beautiful shape.

    Shop Radiant Diamond Rings

    It looks like an Eye, absolutely stunning diamond and the most affordable also looks bigger in size in comparison to any of the shapes.

    Shop Marquise Diamond Rings

    Like the name suggest it’s a diamond in shape of heart, cutting of the stone is very important for this stone, an ideal cut heart shape is recommended for purchase.

    Shop Heart Diamond Rings
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