• Why do Feather Downers keep coming back?

    From: Featherdown Sep-15-2024 11:17:am
    Feather Down holidays close to the coast


    Why do Feather Downers keep coming back? 



    Did you know that 48% of our guests have been on a Feather Down holiday before?


    In fact the record number of stays by one family is 16!


    So what’s the secret that brings families back time after time?


    It could be the animals. Or the roomy canvas hideaways. Perhaps it’s our beautiful locations? Or maybe just the joy of unwinding and enjoying farm life. 


    We think this guest at one of our Scottish locations nailed it:


    “On a Feather Down holiday, for a small moment in time, TVs and gadgets become meaningless and unnecessary. For a family there is something magical about this experience that is difficult to put into words. Once you have tried it, you will understand.”


    In other words, an escape to a simpler life.


    Come and enjoy a Feather Down family holiday in 2022 and experience the magic that brings families back time and again. 


    See why they come back



    Feather Down by the sea



    Over 80% of our Feather Down Farms are in or close by National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 


    But that doesn't mean you have to choose between beauty spots and the seaside. You can have both.


    Nearly half our locations are within a 30 minute drive of the sea, or even closer. 


    We have farms in traditional seaside holiday spots like Treganhoe and Gwel Teg in Cornwall. And Dorset, Devon and Norfolk are also well represented when it comes to farms close to the sea. 


    But with Feather Down you can also enjoy a seaside holiday in other parts of the country, from Scotland in the north to Essex down south. Take a look and make your own mind up.




    Check out our coastal farms


    Get that Feather Down feeling on Instagram


    Follow us on Instagram and get the inspiration for your next stay with us. You'll also get the chance to win fantastic Feather Down prizes. Don't miss out!


    Follow us on Instagram


    Nieuwstraat 16, 5111 CW Baarle-Nassau, the Netherlands


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