• National Relaxation Day

    From: Isola Oct-05-2021 16:09:pm
    How do you relax? What does relaxation mean to you?
    How do you relax? What does relaxation mean to you?

    In today's world, taking time for ourselves doesn't seem to come easy. Some days, even finding 10 minutes seems impossible but it shouldn't be. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who lives overseas? If you have, you would soon realize how vastly different our lifestyle in America often is to theirs. We are constantly on the go, running around and trying to accomplish too much in one day. We feel the need to "keep up" and never sit. What we eat and drink and incorporating exercise is fantastic but that is not the only part of taking care of ourselves. So, how can we incorporate more "me" time into our lives? 

    1) Get some sun. Sitting outside and taking in sun for even 20 minutes a day can improve your mood, your Vitamin D levels and your sleep. 

    2) Read. When you read a book, you're likely going to be sitting somewhere comfortably or even laying down. This will not only allow your mind to escape for a little, but this also allows your body to take a break.

    3) Create a Home Spa. Take a warm bath or shower and use skincare that makes your skin refreshed while your mind and senses unwind. Try using a Body Scrub, followed with either a Body Lotion or Body Oil. Use a diffuser with your favorite essential oils and add some relaxing music to complete the experience. You would be surprised how much this releases tension and calms your entire body. 

    *Check out Kourtney Kardashian using our Body Oils in her bath (This was our old packaging but same product).

    4) Breathwork. Breathwork can balance blood pressure, increase your immune system, release stress hormones and many other benefits. Try following Kimberly Rose on Instagram and you can get some free sessions from her on YouTube here

    Find what works for you and start today. Find that 10-20 min a day (should be even more) to relax - it will feel so good!
    @isolabody  #isolabody
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