What To Do When You Can’t Carry Your Firearm: There are a select few of us that work in places where it is against the law to carry any firearms on the premises. I am not talking about working for a woke company that says it’s against company policy, I am talking about those of us who work in the Federal workforce where it is a felony to be caught with a firearm on your person or in your vehicle, even if it is registered with the location. This could be a school, a government building or a military installation.
Some don’t see this as a problem, because a lot of those locations have armed security at the perimeter and may have their own police force to respond. However, like we saw at the Naval Base shooting in Norfolk, Fort Hood massacre and the Capitol baseball field shooting, armed guards were not enough or arrived after the carnage started, where someone carrying could have ended the situation quickly. This can also be seen in situations like Aurora movie shooting where the shooter specifically chose that location because it was posted to not carry on the grounds.
So what do you do if you are in that location?
The government has pushed out for a while now “Run, Hide, Fight” meaning that you should try and run from the shooter, hide and fight as a last resort…but I can tell you from personal experience, that is a pipe dream in most locations. In places I have worked, there are open buildings, parade fields where mass formations are held, and soft targets everywhere that pose serious potential threats.