Hi xqblykrazy, I'm Aryan Fazeli the Founder and CEO of K Nutri. I wanted to formally introduce myself and tell you a bit about who I am and why I started this company. Growing up I always tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle through sports and physical activity. While I was in University I fell into the trap of consuming bad food and taking a break from my active lifestyle and gained the "freshman fifteen". While studying to get a Bachelor of Science I learned about the Ketogenic Diet, began studying it and trying it for myself. After seeing how Keto was able to change my body and attitude towards dieting I went on to help my family and friends become the healthiest version of themselves. I ended up deferring my acceptance to NYU Dental School to continue my passion of helping others on their journey to a healthy life. While completing my Masters of Science in 2018 and researching the Ketogenic Diet and its effects on obesity I wanted to find a way to remove refined sugar while keeping quality ingredients, and K Nutri was born. |