| Treat Your Pet to Their Very Own Spa Day People often forget to schedule self-care, and the same goes for their pets. Many of your favorite pastimes—exercise, aromatherapy and a massage—can relax dogs and cats, too! It’s important to plan regular spa days for your fur baby to look after their health and show how much you care. | | | Keep Your Dog Exercising Despite Spring Seasonal Allergies Springtime is rough for allergic pups. They do everything outside, whether that’s playing fetch, going for a walk or visiting other dogs. While they do so, they’re constantly bombarded with pollen that causes sneezing and itchy skin. | | | How Much Exercise Does Your Dog's Breed Actually Need? A dog’s exercise regimen usually involves a daily walk and the occasional game of fetch. This might be enough for some dog breeds, but others need much more physical activity. | | | Could You Be Overfeeding Your Cat (and Not Know It)? Every cat has different nutritional needs. For instance, a growing kitten will need to eat a lot more than a sluggish senior cat. Unfortunately, many pet parents have no clue how much to feed their cats. As a result, the portion sizes are total guesswork. Some pet parents might dump a heaping pile of kibble in the food bowl and call it a day! | | | |