• Flash Free Delivery Weekend! - Get Garden Birdwatch Ready!🐦🕶

    From: BirdFood UK Sep-15-2024 11:21:am
    Free delivery starts now!
    CJ Wildlife
    Attract more wildlife to your garden

    Free Delivery Weekend Starts Now!

     Only ONE week remaining until the Big Garden Birdwatch 2022, are you prepared?

    Last week we gave you a whopping deal on feeders, this week we're giving you a chance to stock up on everything for less! with free delivery - until Monday only!

    Keep an eye out for more deals over the weekend for bigger savings to get you ready for the big day - your beaked buddies will thank you!

    No code required, simply shop till you drop for even less, 

    what are you waiting for?

    Shop Now >

    Keep those feeders squeaky clean!

    This time of year is hard for our birds, give them one less thing to worry about by regularly cleaning your feeders and feeding areas. It is simple and easy to do but always ensure your cleaning product is veterinary approved!

    Get to know the House Sparrow!

    Sparrows or the Passer Domesticus, love seeds and insects. They tend to feed mostly from the ground but a suitable seed feeder or table would be ideal for them too.

    These birds are extremely social and prefer to live and nest in colonies, they are very noisy and will often be heard before they are seen.

    Previous Big Garden Birdwatch findings have seen a decline in these beautiful birds, that's why its important to take part and document the birds you see in your garden and outside spaces!

    House Sparrows LOVE these!


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