World record holders: Peregrine Falcons do fly level at a fast speed - between 40-60mph, however it is their diving speed that in unrivaled. In 2005, a peregrine falcon owned by Ken Franklin was clocked at 242 mph after diving roughly 3 miles!
Birds of prey: This falcon will hunt other birds in mid-air, swooping in at staggering speeds to catch prey on their wings. They are not picky and will eat a wide-range of birds, with ducks and pigeons both on the menu.
Where do they nest? Preferably, somewhere inaccessible and very high up. Usually a grassy cliff edge is chosen. However, they are increasingly found in buildings and construction sites as they adapt to a changing world.
How do their eggs hatch? Female peregrine falcons usually lay three or four eggs in late March or early April. Incubation will then around 30 days per egg, which the progressive peregrines share.
Where can they be found? They can be found across the UK, but most commonly will be found in upland areas or above rocky cliffs. In Winter, they can be spotted over the flat marshes of the South-East.