• Cat Food is coming!

    From: Frontier Pets Jul-24-2022 02:23:am
    We know you've heard it before but here is your chance to be the first to know when Cat Food hits the shelves! 

    Hi friend,


    We hope you've had a great week! 


    It's been raining and miserable here at Frontier HQ, so it's been perfect weather to stay in and get on top of a few things. 

    Firstly, we're thrilled to receive so many positive comments about our chicken.  We thank you again for your patience with the few lots that were a bit smelly.  It's now back to perfection and it honestly smells amazing!

    We've also found some companies who are going to help us store and send our product to you, so that we have a much faster turnaround.  You may recall we tried this with one company and it worked for, well, about a minute!  Then it all went pear-shaped and we brought it back in-house.

    We are in deep discussions with some pretty good players in this space and hope to have some news for you within a few weeks.  This will be especially helpful for those of you in W.A. and father afield.  Hang in there.   

    I know you've heard it before, undoubtedly many times, but Cat Food is coming! We're at the final stages now with a view to launching in April.  If you'd like to be the first to know about it, click the link below to provide us with your Cat's details and we will email you as soon as it's ready! 




    Happy Sunday, 



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    Lily the Pug

    "Lily loves the food and the dried tripe treats so much. She gets so excited as soon as I get the bags out of the cupboard. Her coat is now so glossy and shiny. I also love that the food is so easy to prepare, and I know she is getting all the right nutrients she needs to keep her happy and healthy. The subscription also means I can also set and forget and she never runs out. She was very pleased to receive her special birthday present too".

    Frontier Pets, 1 Winjeel Road, EVANS HEAD, NSW 2473, Australia

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