• 🙆‍♂️ Stretch Yourself & Get Stronger 💪

    From: RubberBanditz Mar-09-2022 07:25:am
    4 Ways To Improve Hip Mobility With Bandz

    4 Mobility Drills Everyone Needs

    Everyone talks about mobility on the fitness space.

    But what does “being mobile” really mean

    And how do you actually go about improving your mobility?

    Well, most people start with a few stretches…

    …And this is a great start, but will only get you so far.

    Then we move onto everyones favorite tool - the Foam Roller.

    (Or maybe your one of those cool kids with the massage gun)

    These go a step further than stretching, but still have one limitation.

    True mobility is about achieving a range of motion.

    And the missing component for many people is actually strengthening your stabilising muscles.

    Here are 4 of our favourite exercises you can start doing with your Bandz to stretch yourself & get stronger:

    #1 - Front Pull Aparts

    These are great for activating the stabilizing muscles in your back & shoulders.

    By engaging them you allow a full range-of-motion in your shoulder joints, especially great for anyone hunched over at a computer for hours a day!

    #2 Should Flexion

    Again another great variation for adding stability to the shoulders.

    If you’re trying to improve any sort of overhead lift, from a military press to an overhead squat or snatch, then this exercise is a must.

    #3 Lateral Walks

    Engaging our glutes is essential to keeping a great posture and range-of-motion in our hips.

    We often associate hip pain with a lack of flexibility, but a lack of strength in our glutes is another major factor

    #4 Knee Stabilizers

    Resistance band exercises are a great way to train stability of certain joints and add some isometric tension.

    This exercise will help you add stability to your knee joints and prevent many injuries that occur from sport.

    P.S. Don’t forget to enter into our end of year giveaway to win a free Glute Activation Kit!

    👉 Tag us in your workout with your Bandz and #bandfam

    👉 We’ll repost you on our own Instagram

    👉 You’ll be entered into our free giveaway competition (winner announced December 31)

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