• Are you willing to roll the dice on your training?

    From: RubberBanditz Mar-09-2022 07:25:am
    Bet big to win big

    Nike’s running app is one of the world’s standout gamified products.


    It taps into our natural competitive spirit.

    The app tracks our running stats and measures our progress towards goals.

    Compelling us to go out and beat our record next time around.

    Not only that, it connects to your social media accounts so you can compete with your friends.

    The advantage for Nike is that it gets more people out and running which ultimately drives Nike sales.

    This technique of making a game out of things you don’t want to do is extremely effective. Nike does it to drive sales but you can also do it to get in your workouts.

    It’s hard sometimes to make yourself exercise…

    …Especially when dealing with everyday struggles like your job or looking after your children.

    But making a game out of your workouts can help in adding a level of excitement.

    Showing up every week suddenly becomes a lot easier.

    And that’s why we created our own exercise dice.

    To help bring some new excitement and spice to your workouts.

    The 3 dice set has a combination of bodyweight exercise, weighted/Crossfit style exercises, & rep count/time.

    Adding a whole new dimension of fun and unpredictability to your workouts.

    Are you ready to gamble on your workouts?

    Let’s Roll The Dice
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