• Get explosive chest gains

    From: RubberBanditz Mar-09-2022 07:25:am
    Turn a good exercise into a great exercise

    The pushup is one of the most universal bodyweight exercises you can do.

    A fantastic chest, tricep, and shoulder builder.

    The problem with push ups is there’s only so much depth you can get. Only so much of a stretch you can create.

    We all know the importance of using full range of motion. To recruit the most amount of muscle fibers possible, to make the most gains.

    And that’s where the standard pushup is lacking.

    The solution?

    Elevate the hands to give the chest more depth and a much bigger stretch.

    Which is exactly what our pushups bars help you to do.

    Allowing you to sink your chest beyond your hand height to get a huge stretch across your chest.

    This is how you turn a good exercise into a great exercise.

    And as an added bonus, the pushup bars also help take a lot of the force off your wrists, which comes in handy for those of you with beat up joints.

    We’ve currently slashed the price so be sure to get your set before they’re gone.



    The Banditz Team

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