36-year-old Lewis-Harris, also known as “D’Fitness Guy,” has a master’s degree in education counseling.
And says that in his job and in his volunteer work he promotes education, a healthy lifestyle, and teaches positive decision-making and problem solving to kids and young adults.
He also speaks at school conferences on behalf of special education students and students who don’t have parents or strong family support.
As part of his busy schedule, Lewis-Harris works out five to six days a week, four hours a day, and customizes his exercises to get the maximum effect.
At 190 pounds and 9 percent body fat, he can do 400 pounds on the bench press. He also runs a 7-minute mile.
You can see more of D’Fitness Guy here.
Exercise Of The Week
In this week’s exercise highlight D’Angelo is performing one of the most basic but powerful bodyweight exercises you can do. The pullup.