Collagen is a crucial protein in the body that gets thrown around quite a bit in the health and wellness world. “Collagen helps fight wrinkles!” seems to be written on every health and wellness blog and newsletter these days, but is it really true? Collagen is an essential protein in the body that makes up our joints, bones, and tissues. It’s also in your muscles and blood and actually makes up 75% of your skin and 33% of all of the protein in your body. As we age, our existing collagen actually breaks down and our body does not produce more to compensate. This is why we experience bone and joint fragility as we age and it’s also why our body ages at an increased rate. This is where collagen supplementation can come in quite useful. Some of the most well-researched benefits of collagen include stronger bones and joints, reduced injuries and fragility, and an improvement in skin hydration and skin elasticity (which really does help prevent wrinkles). Kimera’s Samurai Creamer features collagen originating from bovine sources, which is one of the best forms of supplemental collagen. Our collagen peptides are easily absorbed and bioactive upon consumption, which means that once you use our creamer, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and get right to work. Try Kimera’s chocolate and collagen Samurai Creamer today by adding it to oatmeal, smoothies, and your favorite coffee beverages to experience some of the amazing benefits of collagen for yourself. You (and your body) will thank us later! |