Hi there, I struggled with my health for way too many years… Waves of depression, daily anxiety, painful, heavy periods, uncontrollable mood swings, difficulty losing weight.. I could go on.. The thing is, that I was completely unaware that my hormones were beneath most of my problems. What I WISH I had known at the start of my health journey was that.. 👉👉Our hormones are far more than just periods & fertility. They impact EVERYTHING about you. So, when your hormones are out of balance it’s not only going to impact your periods - irregular, painful, PMSy, heavy or long cycles… But will also affect your… - Mood
- Energy
- Libido
- Drive for life & creativity
- Susceptibility to stress
- Productivity
- Relationships
- And more!
However most of us go through life accepting period problems or low moods & lack of energy as normal. We’ve confused COMMON with normal. What happens then? We set the bar for HOW GOOD YOU CAN FEEL way too low. And modern medicine has us believing that.. Prescriptions, painkillers and birth control are the only solution.. And that nutrition & lifestyle can’t heal a body. When here at My Moonbox we know this couldn’t be further from the truth. Any time our body is out of balance - we experience symptoms. And symptoms are your signal to dig deeper and ask WHY! So, this leads me to the 2nd thing I wish I knew… What is the real “normal” then? - Regular ovulation & predictable periods
- Little to no pain, PMS or acne
- Periods that last 3-7 days
- Stable moods
- 1-3 healthy bowel movements a day
- Clear skin
Ask yourself this - What is YOUR normal? When you decide that you’re finally DONE with feeling anything less than joyful, vital & energised… When you decide that you are DONE with dreading your period every month.. You can decide to take control. You can sit in the drivers seat and empower yourself with the knowledge & the right tools to heal your body and in turn unlock a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of health & vitality. Cause the thing is - Your body wants to heal. And you have so much more power over your periods & health than you’ve ever been taught to believe. If you’re not sure where to start.. I’ve got you sister. I invite you to join my up-coming PMS & Cramps Masterclass where I’ve made period education FUN, actionable & down-right LIFE changing. I know, I know - it's been "coming" for a while now - so I want to thank everyone for their patience whilst I'm re-launching not only the Masterclass but the entire My Moonbox brand & website.. I promise it will be well worth the wait as I’ve committed myself to ensuring you get INSANE value that delivers THE most amazing support & lasting results for you. Any questions about if the masterclass is right for you? Just shoot me an email! Always here to support you. Xx Nikki Founder of My Moonbox |