Hi there, It’s world sleep day! 😴 😃 Here at My Moonbox we love sleep because your hormones LOVE sleep! Getting quality sleep is one of the most effective ways to combat PMS. So, we are sharing 4 SLEEP TIPS below from our favourite sleep expert Michael J. Breus, Ph.D. 1. Is it bad to drink coffee in the late afternoon?☕️ Caffeine has a half-life of six to eight hours. Meaning if you stop drinking it at 2:00 p.m, only 50% of it is out of your body by 10:00 p.m. So if you happen to drink your coffee too late into the evening, and you're worried it'll disrupt your sleep, try snacking on a bit of broccoli 🥦 . Studies suggest it may help metabolize some of the caffeine that keeps us up at night. Try to avoid drinking coffee after midday and drink a calming golden milk instead. 2. What is the best natural sleep supplement? 💤 Magnesium! Not only is magnesium amazing for your hormones, but it’s essential for your sleep too. It helps sleep by calming your central nervous system, relaxing your muscles and by helping your brain produce neurotransmitters that reduce stress. Magnesium also helps your brain regulate it's melatonin production, which is important for a functioning sleep-wake cycle and healthy circadian rhythm. The problem is most of us are deficient so spraying Moon Boost onto your feet before bed each night is an effective way to supplement magnesium. 3. Why is blocking out light important? 💡 Exposure to light in your bedroom interferes with your sleep full stop. Block out light where possible, using block out blinds, avoiding screens in your bedroom and wearing a quality eye mask makes a huge difference to the quality of your sleep. 4. Does food affect sleep quality? 🥑 A wholesome, healthy diet contributes to more restful sleep, while a poor diet contributes to poor sleep quality and shorter sleep duration. Nutrients to help with sleep include: Protein: 20% of calories consumed as protein before bed has the most favourable effect on sleep. Carbs: Carbohydrates are helpful for sleep, but the type of carb matters. Your carbohydrate intake should primarily consist of wholesome, high-fiber foods like whole grains, fresh fruit, and vegetables— sugar leads to excessive daytime sleepiness, and fiber leads to better overall sleep and less daytime sleepiness. Fats: A low-fat diet has been associated with both non-restorative sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. Try sprinkling Earth Seeds over your dinner as it ticks all of the sleep promoting boxes of healthy fats, protein and fibre! |