We are back after a wonderful month in Nicaragua! I was unable to publish a newsletter after our first week thanks to my computers refusal to operate. I guess it no habla Español.
As we've processed our trip with our kids, one theme has risen above the rest: The joy of people. Global missions is about many things. You must be mindful of strategy, goals, vision, and the like. But boiled all down, missions is about joining God in His work to redeem actual real-life people through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Son of God was sent to live, walk, and work among us. He showed us His love up-close. He befriended us. In response, my family, Iris, and Mia got to go and do the same.
I haven't heard a single story from our team about the joy of WEGO's strategy or values. Every story is centered on the friends they made:
David, Angel, and my boys on the soccer field. Carlie and our women leaders. Mia, Iris, and the senior girls. My girls and Crystal. Pedro and me.
It is out of the heart of God Himself, who sees not just a nation but the number of hairs on each head, that we discover the joy of people. We befriend, we love, we laugh and cry, all side by side. We tell the story of Jesus and spur each other on in His great love. That's the goal of this prayer guide, too. It is a monthly invitation to discover actual real-life people and receive the joy of loving them through prayer.